Kiana Ehsani, Winson Han, Alvaro Herrasti, Eli VanderBilt, Luca Weihs...
TL;DR本文提出了一个基于 AI2-THOR 框架的物体操作框架并提出了一个名为 ArmPointNav 的新挑战任务,以扩展点导航任务到物体操作,并提供了新的挑战,包括 3D 障碍物避免、存在遮挡的物体操作以及多物体操作,并指出了 PointNav 挑战中成功的流行学习范例仍有大量改进空间。
The domain of embodied ai has recently witnessed substantial progress, particularly in navigating agents within their environments. These early successes have laid the building blocks for the community to tackle tasks that require agents to actively interact with objects in their envir