Chenghao Li, Chengjie WU, Tonghan Wang, Jun Yang, Qianchuan Zhao...
TL;DR本研究介绍了多智能体强化学习中多样性的重要性,并提出了信息理论正则化和共享神经网络架构中的代理特定模块的方法,以促进代理之间的协作和多样性,实验结果表明该方法在Google Research Football和超难的星际争霸II微观管理任务上取得了最先进的表现。
Recently, deep multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has shown the promise to solve complex cooperative tasks. Its success is partly because of parameter sharing among agents. However, such sharing may lead agents to behave similarly and limit their coordination capacity. In this p