Yue Feng, Aldo Lipani, Fanghua Ye, Qiang Zhang, Emine Yilmaz
TL;DR该研究提出了一种名为动态架构图融合网络(DSGFNet)的方法,它能够明确融合事先的槽-域成员关系和对话感知动态槽关系,且能够利用这些架构图来实现跨领域知识传递,此方法在Dialogue State Tracking领域内的实证结果优于现有方法。
dialogue state tracking (DST) aims to keep track of users' intentions during the course of a conversation. In DST, modelling the relations among domains and slots is still an under-studied problem. Existing approaches that have considered such relations generally fall short in: (1) fus